Unix Binary Release • Mac OS X Binary Release • iOS Binary Release • Windows Binary Release

  1. Miktex Download Windows 7
  2. Miktex Download Windows 10
  3. Miktex For Mac Os X Download

Jun 26, 2020. The cheapest, most stable, most popular option is (as Paulo says) to install MacTeX.It is downloadable as an all-in-one package file (.pkg); just double-click and you're good to go.MacTeX comes with a few editors, namely TUG's TeXworks and the acclaimed TeXShop, but you can also get TeXstudio for Mac as well. You will find that, as OS X is a UNIX-based environment, working with TeXnology may. Download RStudio. RStudio is currently only available for Mac OS X 10.6 or higher. Click on RStudio for Mac OS X 10.6+. Click on the appropriate file corresponding to Mac OS X.

You can install ImageMagick from source. However, if you don't have a proper development environment or if you're anxious to get started, download a ready-to-run Unix or Windows executable. Before you download, you may want to review recent changes to the ImageMagick distribution.

ImageMagick source and binary distributions are available from a variety of FTP and Web mirrors around the world.

Unix Binary Release

These are the Unix variations that we support. If your system is not on the list, try installing from source. Although ImageMagick runs fine on a single core computer, it automagically runs in parallel on multi-core systems reducing run times considerably.

magickdownloadComplete portable application on Linux, no installation required. Just download and run. AppImages require FUSE to run. Many distributions have a working FUSE setup out-of-the-box. However if it is not working for you, you may need to install and configure FUSE manually.
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31.x86_64.rpmdownloadRedhat / CentOS 7.1 x86_64 RPM
ImageMagick-libs-7.0.10-31.x86_64.rpmdownloadRedhat / CentOS 7.1 x86_64 RPM
ImageMagick RPM'sdownloadDevelopment, Perl, C++, and documentation RPM's.
ImageMagick-i386-pc-solaris2.11.tar.gzdownloadSolaris Sparc 2.11

Verify its message digest.

ImageMagick RPM's are self-installing. Simply type the following command and you're ready to start using ImageMagick:

You'll need the libraries as well:

Note, if there are missing dependencies, install them from the EPEL repo.

For other systems, create (or choose) a directory to install the package into and change to that directory, for example:

Next, extract the contents of the package. For example:

Set the MAGICK_HOME environment variable to the path where you extracted the ImageMagick files. For example:

If the bin subdirectory of the extracted package is not already in your executable search path, add it to your PATH environment variable. For example:

On Linux and Solaris machines add $MAGICK_HOME/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable:

Finally, to verify ImageMagick is working properly, type the following on the command line:

Congratulations, you have a working ImageMagick distribution under Unix or Linux and you are ready to use ImageMagick to convert, compose, or edit your images or perhaps you'll want to use one of the Application Program Interfaces for C, C++, Perl, and others.

Mac OS X Binary Release

We recommend Homebrew which custom builds ImageMagick in your environment (some users prefer MacPorts). Download HomeBrew and type:

ImageMagick depends on Ghostscript fonts. To install them, type:

The brew command downloads ImageMagick and many of its delegate libraries (e.g. JPEG, PNG, Freetype, etc.) and configures, builds, and installs ImageMagick automagically. Alternatively, you can download the ImageMagick Mac OS X distribution we provide:

ImageMagick-x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0.tar.gzdownloadmacOS High Sierra

Verify its message digest.

Create (or choose) a directory to install the package into and change to that directory, for example:

Next, extract the contents of the package. For example:

Set the MAGICK_HOME environment variable to the path where you extracted the ImageMagick files. For example:

If the bin subdirectory of the extracted package is not already in your executable search path, add it to your PATH environment variable. For example:

Set the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable:

Finally, to verify ImageMagick is working properly, type the following on the command line:

Note, the display program requires the X11 server available on your Mac OS X installation DVD. Once that is installed, you will also need to set export DISPLAY=:0.

The best way to deal with all the exports is to put them at the end of your .profile file

Congratulations, you have a working ImageMagick distribution under Mac OS X and you are ready to use ImageMagick to convert, compose, or edit your images or perhaps you'll want to use one of the Application Program Interfaces for C, C++, Perl, and others.

iOS Binary Release

~Claudio provides iOS builds of ImageMagick.

Download iOS Distribution

You can download the iOS distribution directly from ImageMagick's repository.

There are always 2 packages for the compiled ImageMagick:

  • iOSMagick-VERSION-libs.zip
  • iOSMagick-VERSION.zip

The first one includes headers and compiled libraries that have been used to compile ImageMagick. Most users would need this one.

ImageMagick compiling script for iOS OS and iOS Simulator

To run the script:

where VERSION is the version of ImageMagick you want to compile (i.e.: 7.0.10-31, svn, ..)

This script compiles ImageMagick as a static library to be included in iOS projects and adds support for

  • png
  • jpeg
  • tiff

Upon successful compilation a folder called IMPORT_ME is created on your ~/Desktop. You can import it into your Xcode project.

Xcode project settings

After including everything into Xcode please also make sure to have these settings (Build tab of the project information):

  • Other Linker Flags: -lMagickCore-Q16 -lMagickWand-Q16 -ljpeg -lpng -lbz2 -lz
  • Header Search Paths: $(SRCROOT) - make it Recursive
  • Library Search Paths: $(SRCROOT) - make it Recursive

On the lower left click on the small-wheel and select: Add User-Defined Setting

  • Value: -Dmacintosh=1
Sample project

A sample project is available for download. It is not updated too often, but it does give an idea of all the settings and some ways to play around with ImageMagick in an iOS application.

Windows Binary Release

ImageMagick runs on Windows 10 (x86 & x64), Windows 8 (x86 & x64), Windows 7 (x86 & x64), Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista (x86 & x64) with Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64) with Service Pack 2, and Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64).

The amount of memory can be an important factor, especially if you intend to work on large images. A minimum of 512 MB of RAM is recommended, but the more RAM the better. Although ImageMagick runs well on a single core computer, it automagically runs in parallel on multi-core systems reducing run times considerably.

The Windows version of ImageMagick is self-installing. Simply click on the appropriate version below and it will launch itself and ask you a few installation questions. Versions with Q8 in the name are 8 bits-per-pixel component (e.g. 8-bit red, 8-bit green, etc.), whereas, Q16 in the filename are 16 bits-per-pixel component. A Q16 version permits you to read or write 16-bit images without losing precision but requires twice as much resources as the Q8 version. Versions with dll in the filename include ImageMagick libraries as dynamic link libraries. Unless you have a Windows 32-bit OS, we recommend this version of ImageMagick for 64-bit Windows:

ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-Q16-HDRI-x64-dll.exedownloadWin64 dynamic at 16 bits-per-pixel component

Or choose from these alternate Windows binary distributions:

ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-Q16-x64-static.exedownloadWin64 static at 16 bits-per-pixel component
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-Q8-x64-dll.exedownloadWin64 dynamic at 8 bits-per-pixel component
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-Q8-x64-static.exedownloadWin64 static at 8 bits-per-pixel component
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-Q16-x64-dll.exedownloadWin64 dynamic at 16 bits-per-pixel component
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-Q16-HDRI-x64-dll.exedownloadWin64 dynamic at 16 bits-per-pixel component with high dynamic-range imaging enabled
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-Q16-HDRI-x64-static.exedownloadWin64 static at 16 bits-per-pixel component with high dynamic-range imaging enabled
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-Q16-x86-dll.exedownloadWin32 dynamic at 16 bits-per-pixel component
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-Q16-x86-static.exedownloadWin32 static at 16 bits-per-pixel component
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-Q8-x86-dll.exedownloadWin32 dynamic at 8 bits-per-pixel component
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-Q8-x86-static.exedownloadWin32 static at 8 bits-per-pixel component
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-Q16-HDRI-x86-dll.exedownloadWin32 dynamic at 16 bits-per-pixel component with high dynamic-range imaging enabled
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-Q16-HDRI-x86-static.exedownloadWin32 static at 16 bits-per-pixel component with high dynamic-range imaging enabled
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-portable-Q16-x64.zipdownloadPortable Win64 static at 16 bits-per-pixel component. Just copy to your host and run (no installer, no Windows registry entries).
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-portable-Q16-x86.zipdownloadPortable Win32 static at 16 bits-per-pixel component. Just copy to your host and run (no installer, no Windows registry entries).
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-portable-Q8-x64.zipdownloadPortable Win64 static at 8 bits-per-pixel component. Just copy to your host and run (no installer, no Windows registry entries).
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-portable-Q8-x86.zipdownloadPortable Win32 static at 8 bits-per-pixel component. Just copy to your host and run (no installer, no Windows registry entries).
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-portable-Q16-HDRI-x64.zipdownloadPortable Win64 static at 16 bits-per-pixel component with high dynamic-range imaging enabled. Just copy to your host and run (no installer, no Windows registry entries).
ImageMagick-7.0.10-31-portable-Q16-HDRI-x86.zipdownloadPortable Win32 static at 16 bits-per-pixel component with high dynamic-range imaging enabled. Just copy to your host and run (no installer, no Windows registry entries).

Verify its message digest.

To verify ImageMagick is working properly, type the following in an Command Prompt window:

If you have any problems, you likely need vcomp120.dll. To install it, download Visual C++ Redistributable Package.

Note, use a double quote (') rather than a single quote (') for the ImageMagick command line under Windows:

Use two double quotes for VBScript scripts:

Congratulations, you have a working ImageMagick distribution under Windows and you are ready to use ImageMagick to convert, compose, or edit your images or perhaps you'll want to use one of the Application Program Interfaces for C, C++, Perl, and others.

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MiKTeX is available for selected operating systems. Please check the prerequisites in order to find out whether your system is supported.

If your system is not (yet) supported: it is not too difficult to build MiKTeX.

Install on Windows


To install a basic TeX/LaTeX system on Windows, download and run this installer.

Please read the tutorial, if you want step-by-step guidance.

Miktex mac os x downloads
File name:basic-miktex-20.6.29-x64.exe
Size: 234.43 MB

Portable Edition

The portable edition allows you to run MiKTeX from a portable storage device.

Please read the tutorial, if you want step-by-step guidance.

Please note that there is no seperate installer. Just download the standard installer and rename it to miktex-portable.exe.

Miktex complete download windows 10

Command-line installer

If you want to install MiKTeX on many client computers, then you should use the MiKTeX Setup Utility to deploy MiKTeX in your organization. You can read the deployment tutorial, if you want step-by-step guidance.

File name:miktexsetup-4.0-x64.zip
Size: 2.4 MB

Install on macOS

To set up a TeX/LaTeX system on macOS, download and open this disk image. Then drag the MiKTeX icon onto the Applications folder.

Please read the tutorial, if you want step-by-step guidance.

File name:miktex-20.6.29-darwin-x86_64.dmg
Size: 53.71 MB

Install on Linux

MiKTeX is available for selected Linux distributions.

Installing MiKTeX on Linux involves these steps:

  1. Register the GPG key with which MiKTeX installation packages and metadata is signed. The key ID is: D6BC243565B2087BC3F897C9277A7293F59E4889
  2. Register the installation source which contains the MiKTeX installation package. The installation source depends on the Linux distribution version.
  3. Use the package management system to install MiKTeX.
  4. Finish the setup.
  5. Upgrade your TeX distribution. This is an optional step.

Please click a tab to get instructions for your Linux distribution:

a. Register GPG key

b. Register installation source

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa):
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver):
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus):

c. Install MiKTeX

a. Register GPG key

b. Register installation source

Linux Mint 20:
Linux Mint 19:
Linux Mint 18:

c. Install MiKTeX

a. Register GPG key

b. Register installation source

Debian 9 (Stretch):

c. Install MiKTeX

Miktex Download Windows 7

a. Register GPG key

b. Register installation source

Fedora 32:
Fedora 30:
Fedora 28:

c. Install MiKTeX

a. Register GPG key

b. Register installation source

CentOS 8:

c. Install MiKTeX

a. Register GPG key

b. Register installation source

openSUSE Leap 15:

c. Install MiKTeX

d. Finish the setup

Before you can use MiKTeX, you have to finish the setup. You can use MiKTeX Console or, if you prefer the command line, miktexsetup.

Start MiKTeX Console to finish the setup

Search&click the MiKTeX Console icon to start MiKTeX Console:

Now is the time to make a decision:

Do you want to set up a private (for you only) TeX installation, or do you want to set up a shared (system-wide) TeX installation?

You probably want to choose the first option.

The second option makes sense if you are the administrator of a multi-user system. If this is the case and if you expect that some of your users would like to work with MiKTeX, then you should install MiKTeX system-wide.

Click one of the two buttons if you have made your decision.

Run miktexsetup to finish the setup


to finish with a private (for you only) TeX installation. Executables like lualatex will be installed in ~/bin.


to finish with a shafred (system-wide) TeX installation. Executables like lualatex will be installed in /usr/local/bin.

You also may want to enable automatic package installation:

Or, if you have a shared installation:

e. Upgrade

If you have just installed MiKTeX, then you have the option to upgrade your installation to a standard TeX system. Just click the Upgrade button. Please be aware that this starts a ~200MB download.

Alternatively, you can turn on the auto-install feature and let MiKTeX install missing packages on-the-fly. This will help you to keep your TeX installation as minimal as possible (“Just enough TeX”).

See also

FAQ: Is it possible to install MiKTeX and TeX Live side-by-side?

Docker image

The Docker image allows you to run MiKTeX on any computer that supports Docker. You can obtain the image from Docker hub:

Create a volume:

Provided that your main input file is located in the current working directory, you can run pdflatex as follows:

Please read the tutorial, if you want step-by-step guidance.

Please beware that the Docker image is still in an experimental stage.

All downloads

To install a basic TeX/LaTeX system on Windows, download and run this installer.

File name:basic-miktex-20.6.29-x64.exe
Size: 234.43 MB

To install a basic TeX/LaTeX system on Windows, download and run this installer.

Miktex Download Windows 10

File name:basic-miktex-20.6.29.exe
Size: 226.86 MB

This installer allows you download all packages and install a complete TeX/LaTeX system on Windows.

File name:setup-4.1-x64.exe
Size: 23.77 MB

This installer allows you download all packages and install a complete TeX/LaTeX system on Windows.

Miktex For Mac Os X Download

File name:setup-4.1.exe
Size: 19.32 MB

The MiKTeX Setup Utility is used to download, install and uninstall MiKTeX using the command line.It is suitable for unattended setup tasks and can be regarded as the command line counterpart of the MiKTeX Setup Wizard.

File name:miktexsetup-4.0-x64.zip
Size: 2.4 MB

The MiKTeX Setup Utility is used to download, install and uninstall MiKTeX using the command line.It is suitable for unattended setup tasks and can be regarded as the command line counterpart of the MiKTeX Setup Wizard.

File name:miktexsetup-4.0.zip
Size: 2.08 MB

To set up a TeX/LaTeX system on macOS, download and open this disk image. Then drag the MiKTeX icon onto the Applications folder.

File name:miktex-20.6.29-darwin-x86_64.dmg
Size: 53.71 MB

Download MiKTeX source code if you want to incorporate MiKTeX into your own software product.

File name:miktex-20.7.tar.xz
Size: 25.19 MB