A polished and fun-to-play free FPS shooter game, Blacklight: Retribution pushes the envelope even further for free-to-play games. In fact, many gamers commented on how the quality feels much higher than some of the other free-to-play titles. If you love online FPS games, this title will be right up your alley. You can jump right into the action without many problems, and the fast-paced game includes a 'Hyper Reality Visor,' where you can look through walls and see the position of your teammates and enemies. To keep it from becoming overpowered, that feature will only last a couple moments, but it totally changes the dynamics of the game. For example, hiding becomes ineffective when rival opponents can check your position.

One of the extra interesting gameplay features includes Hardsuit. Once you have acquired enough combat points, for example, you can spend them on a 'laser designator' from the weapons depot. After you have done that, you can request an airdrop of the mechanized weapon. Hardsuits, similar to mechs, can be slow and difficult to beat. Still not as revolutionary as the 'Hyper Reality Visor,' Hardsuits make the game a lot more interesting.


Wage war with advanced weapons and technology in Blacklight: Retribution, a free-to-play, futuristic first-person shooter. Deploy devastating armored.

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From the moment you enter the battleground, Blacklight: Retribution immerses you and addicts you to the gameplay. You can sit and play this game for hours without spending a dollar. Also, you can customize your soldier and weapon to make the game more compelling. Unfortunately, the game does little to help FPS beginners, so a new player often becomess cannon fodder until they have learned to compete in their new environment.

Blacklight: Retribution looks fantastic on the graphics end, and they made the game with the Unreal 3 engine. In fact, the graphics look so stunning, you wouldn't feel they were misplaced in a triple-A title. In terms of sound quality, you have an equally astounding video game. When you compare Blacklight: Retribution to other free-to-play games like Battlefield, it actually does a phenomenal job at holding its own. The maps immerse you, and the high ability for customization never grows tiring.

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Where the game suffers, however, is in terms of its originality. Blacklight: Retribution offers almost nothing in the way of innovation. The Hardsuits and HRV does mix up the gameplay, but this FPS game could use even more inventiveness. You see a lot of clear influence from some of the other popular FPS games. The one thing we have to say about that, however, is that the developers did seem to understand the concept of taking the 'good' ideas from other popular titles. For example, they didn't add a bunch of features that would vex gamers as they play.


  • Breathtaking graphics
  • Fast-paced action
  • Hyper reality visor and the hardsuit adds a new level of fun to the FPS genre
  • Borrows a lot of good ideas from other popular titles

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  • Needs to offer more in the way of innovation
  • Hardsuits clunky and awkward to play with
  • Costly new gear and weapons